C. Reserved Powers (power not specifically granted to the Federal Gov. is given to the States via the 10th Amendment)
<span>"The plague significantly reduced the population of Europe." is the statement about the Black Death that struck Europe in the 1300s is not true. The Black Death was a standout amongst the most obliterating pandemics in mankind's history, bringing about the passing of an expected 75 to 200 million individuals in Eurasia and cresting in Europe in the year.</span>
Supply and Demand Effects farmers in various ways:
- Demand Increase: Price increases, Quantity increases.
- Supply Increase: Price decreases, Quantity increases.
- Demand Decrease: Price decreases, Quantity decreases.
- Supply Decrease: Price increases, Quantity decreases.
Supply and demand, as well as market prices, will rise and fall until they achieve a balance, which is called market equilibrium. As a response to decline the sales, farmers will have to lower the prices until the demand for product increases.
If a farmer set a price which is too high, thus the demand will decrease. If the market price is high, the interest of producers for a certain product or service will increase.