In chapter eleven, the children are waiting in the Witch's castle for her to return and turn them into stone. They are very scared and when they hear her coming, they all hide. The Witch comes in and cannot find them, so she gets angry and turns a man into a statue. She then leaves the room and the children come out of hiding.
In chapter twelve, the Witch is getting ready to go out and she tells her servants to keep an eye on the children. She also tells them to bring the children to her if they try to leave. The children are then left alone and they start to explore the castle. They find a room full of books and they also find a room with a window that looks out onto a courtyard.
In chapter thirteen, the children are playing in the courtyard when they see the Witch coming. They all hide again, but the Witch finds Lucy. She is about to turn her into a statue when Aslan appears. The Witch is terrified of Aslan and she runs away. Aslan then talks to the children and he tells them that they are going to be free.
In chapter fourteen, the children are taken to a cave where they meet the White Witch. She is very old and she is dying. Aslan tells the children that they must forgive her, and they do. The Witch then dies and Aslan takes her body away.
In chapter fifteen, the children are back in the forest and they are waiting for Aslan to come and take them home. He does not come and they start to worry. Suddenly, they hear his voice and they follow it. Aslan is waiting for them at the edge of the forest and he takes them home.
The assessment of whether a relationship could either break or build a person is explained below.
A toxic partner can break their fellow partners heart and lower their elf esteem even more. This would build the person and give them confidence to go through tough times together.
Do I have an article or something I can look at???
Answer: well, 1 you should not date senior's because there player's 2. NEVER lose your virginity people are gonna know like in a few sec's really rumor's are gonna easily really then people won't like you next (in my opinion) 3. just be yourself and don't let anyone change you just be you keep clam and be you :) 4. idk wut to say on dat won 5. yes start making groups and meet new people 6. don't trust people, people are never real or rigth or perfect keep it to yourself until they gain your trust.
Explanation: hope this help's (just don't worried you self a lot and you'll be okay) :)
Although vague, this could be an example of personification