The distance between Lawrence, Kansas and Nashville, Tennessee is 501.74 miles. So they are really far apart.
The location of Lawrance, Kansas is:
Latitude: 38.9560 Longitude: -95.2520.
And for Nashville, Tennessee is:
Latitude: 36.174465, Longitude: -86.767960.
So while the Latitudes are similar, the longitudes are not, and this is why you can see that the geography of each place is different.
<span>I believe the Answer is Population.</span>
Lactic acid is the result of fermentation. Fermentation is when there is a lack of oxygen but youre body is still trying to get you enough ATP molecules (energy) to function. It is the stuff that makes you sore lol
I don’t think it’s insane, it’s just how is humans are. I don’t think it’s nice. I was very aware about the situation as a whole, bit it’s what people have been doing for years, like years and years. It’s kinda human nature