La gente camina porque corren los toros. La gente corre rápido porque los toros corren rápido.
1. Pepe es español, mientras que sus amigos Luis, Jorge, Peppa y MariCarmen20 son chino, japonés, mongola y marroquí, respectivamente.
2. The rule is that in nationalities, opposite to Enslish's rule, the first letter is not capital.
3. In my house we don't speak the same language as they speak in Alejandrina's house, we speak a different language, which is much stranger, it is Suahili.
Yo le aconsejó que deje de comer comida chatarra, y que empieze a comer una dieta balanceada.Por ejemplo, en vez de comer un como de hamburguesa, recomiendo que coma una porción de proteina, carbohidratos, vegetales y los alimentos necesarios para ser saludable.
Translation: I would recommend for them to stop eating junk food and eat a balanced diet. For example, instead of eating a hamburger combo, I reccomend they eat a portion of protein, carbohydrates, vegetables and the necessary nutrients to be healthy.
incorrect because it says your family will be the biggest so it not right