Él niño camina a clase por el pasillo.
Los profesores enseñan a los estudiantes en el salón.
Los cocineros cocinan en la cocina.
La enfermera esta en la enfermería.
Los niños y los profesores se lavan las manos en el baño.
la estudiante nada en la piscina.
Los niños dramáticos actúan en el teatro.
Ellas juegan al béisbol en el campo de béisbol.
Match the reading sentences with the correct sayings. Match the sentences from the reading with the correct idioms.
I was driving through some roundabouts in Madrid, when I lost my way out because there was a green jelly bear in the center of the roundabout. Imagine, a green, giant jelly bean in a roundabout. I never thought I would see a green jelly bean in the roundabout. I had to take the next exit and stop at a gas station to ask for directions. When I entered, the young employee greeted me and asked me if I needed help. I told him that I was trying to get to the Prado Museum to see the works of art. The employee helped me a lot and with his help, I arrived at my destination. The Prado Museum is more beautiful and amazing in person. I am very happy that I stopped at this gas station.
1. What's up? A) Imagine, a green, giant jelly bean in a roundabout
2.Value B) He told me he was fine.
3.chevere C) Prado Museum is more beautiful and amazing in person.
4.Don't stain! D) The young employee greeted me.
on the second text its .tengo. not tenga
1. C) estaba caminando
2. A) estaba estudiando
3. C) estaban jugando
4. <span>B) maria estaba cocinando cuando ella se corto
5. </span><span>A) me lastime el tobillo cuando estaba jugando futbol
6. </span><span>B) tu estabas escribiendo