It means that he didn't talk to him or contact him much and weren't in a good father-son relationship
to physically control the movements of a person or animal The passenger had to be restrained by four members of the cabin crew. Synonyms and related words Definition and synonyms of restrain from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.
People should be held accountable for life or death situations that they had substantial influence in or control over.
Your question is rather vague and not based upon any sort of book so I decided to give you a general statement --- heads start on your thesis. Life can be very surprising and sometimes events that happen are unstoppable. But clearly in every circumstance where an individual has affected something they should be held accountable for the outcome of their actions. Hope this helps.
Solomon reminds me of Henry VIII because, they both made music and had many wives
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. D