A limerick consists of five lines written in one stanza whereby the first, second and fifth lines end in rhyming words while the third and fourth lines must rhyme. A limerick's rhythm is anapestic; two unstressed syllables are followed by a third stressed syllable.
Charming Lass.
There was a young girl on a tower,
Who looked just as fresh as a flower,
Her hair was like silk,
Her skin as smooth as milk,
But her breath made the strongest knight power.
Unskilled Jill
Once there lived a lass named Jill.
She crossed over the big wide hill.
She did so every day
So her mom could say,
"Yes girl you have some skill."
Answer: a
Make sure that plugging in the words into the blank makes sense. In this case, a makes the most sense, so a would be the best choice.