He could give each of his children a third of what stamps he owns. So then you would divide 45 by 3 to get how many each child would get.
The problem with this classification is clastic sedimentary rocks are not formed with organic elements, that is, they do not form with the remains of organisms, such as shells, for example
The student made an incorrect classification. This is because he classified a rock formed from shells as clastic sedimentary rock.
Shells are organic materials, as they are the remains of living organisms. Organic material is not capable of forming clastic sedimentary rocks, as these rocks are formed only by sediments. Remains of organisms, manage to form a type of rock called organic rock.
The Yangtze River is south of the Yellow River and flows in the same direction (west to east). It is 3,988 miles long and is the third longest river in the world. Just like the Yellow River, the Yangtze played an important role in the development of the culture and civilization of Ancient China.
Police help people. Just some don't always make the best decisions or choices.