In elitist theory power is seen as concentrated amongst a few groups or individuals, including the government. Elitist theory would suggest that only a few major pressure/interest groups, such as the NRA or AARP, actually have any influence, and that even they struggle to gain power because it is concentrated in the hands of a few members of government.
Democracy is a system of government where the citizens exercise power by voting. In a direct democracy, the citizens as a whole form a governing body and vote directly on each issue. In a representative democracy the citizens elect representatives from among themselves.
The property was granted to George Washington's great-grandfather, John Washington, by King Charles II of England.
The estate was named after British Admiral Edward Vernon.
The Mount Vernon Ladies' Association bought the estate from George Washington's great-grandnephew in 1858.
Beaver, otter, and mink furs
The Silk Road trade was one of the trades that were stoped