En el siglo XVIII, una creciente población, entre otros factores, llevó a los españoles a dividir el virreinato del Perú para que pudiera gobernarse de manera más efectiva. Este movimiento resultó en dos nuevos virreinatos: Nueva Granada y Río de la Plata.
I speak English and Spanish.
De nada
Before the civil war cities were mainly industry based. Manufacturing goods was really the only thing that was done in cities.
The first culture was Clovis culture of Paleo-Indians. But later on there was American Indians of the Mogollon and Ancestral Pueblo peoples cultures.
Answer: C
Had veto power over colonial assemblies
Colonial Governors is an official appointed by the British monarchy to oversee one of its colonies and be the head of the colonial administration. The governor was invested with general executive powers and authorized to call a locally elected assembly.
Governors could also veto any bill proposed by the colonial legislature.