This line is written in iambic pentameter. Each foot is an unstressed and stressed syllable together. [how DO] [i LOVE] [thee LET] [me COUNT] [the WAYS]. There are five feet. Because of the unstressed-stressed pattern each foot is considered an iamb. Since there are 5 feet or iambs per line, it is a pentameter. Pent is a root word meaning 5.
I’d say because birds are free and independent. The feminist movement is all about being your own person any not having to defend on a man. Women can make their own decisions for themselves. This is why the bird reinforces a feminist theme.
I think the purpose of moral education is to help make children virtuous—honest, responsible, and compassionate. Another is to make mature students informed and reflective about important and controversial moral issues. Both purposes are embedded in a yet larger project—making sense of life.
Answer: A. The first section establishes pesticide toxicity; then, the second section analyzes problematic factors with its use.