Answer:Their purpose is to describe the plot, characters, director, etc in order to help determine whether or not a film should be seen. ... Critical reviews may be published many years after a film is released.
Direct quotation because its directly from the text
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Puritan girls have the power
Tituba was a woman and black slave, which puts her in a very vulnerable situation in a patriarchal and prejudiced society like the Puritans. The girls with whom she befriended, although they are devalued by society because they are women, are white and free girls who exercise a strong power over Tituba, who must be submissive and devalued in relation to girls. This shows that in this group of friends, the girls were the characters with power, being free to treat Tituba as they wished.
so u want die like duuuuuuuuuuh duuuuuuuuuuh duuuuuuuuh
The poems "From the Dark Tower" and "A Black Man Talks Of Reaping" are heart- touching poems.
These poems are written by Countee Cullen and Arna Bontemps. These poets explain about the feelings of black people and their resentment towards the society.
The poets explain about how the black people in America are slaved and now its time that they have had enough. They will soon start a revolution to fight against this oppression. The poet explains elaborately about the situation by describing how black people do all the handwork and white people reap benefits from it.