It was a strange experience and it confused him which causes him to be angry at himself
Aronnax was a teacher who was traveling on a ship in order to remove a horrendous creature from the sea that was causing great damage in this environment. He wanted to free the seas from this freak. However, upon encountering the creature, his ship is attacked and damaged, making it impossible for them to continue their journey until the ship is repaired. While waiting for the repair, Aronnax is kidnapped by a submarine and remains prisoner of the crew that is there.
When Aronnax hears that his ship has returned to the sea and all his chances of escaping the submarine have been lost he is disappointed.
Hospitals take strict precautions to assure that nothing adulterates the blood supply.
** adulterate : render something poorer in quality by adding another substance, typically an inferior one.
Hannah woke up and realized something -- today was her friend's birthday! And she hasn't even gotten her a present yet. The part wouldn't start till two, so she had plenty of time. Hannah quickly got dressed and combed her hair. She went out the door before even having breakfast so she could get to the store before there were a line of shoppers.
:) Dunno if you wanted a short story or not.