The cell grows into its full size
The cell copies it’s dna
1. Chivalry was a code of conduct for a knight in the medieval times. They were informal though and the code may vary but usually it emphasized courage, charity, loyalty and benevolence. The code of chivalry established a way for a knights to behave but also it influenced the relationships between people like in the instance of courtly manners. From it also arose the notion of courtly love which was reflected in many ballads and poems that were composed during those times.
2.The instruments of the medieval period and the modern instruments are really alike. There are a lot of them that survived to this age as well while others did not survive the flow of time. They modern instruments and the medieval ones have the same categories like the string instruments and the woodwind instruments.. The brass was also a metal of choice while some precision parts did not exist at the time as they required precise measuring and were very difficult to manufacture like valves.
3.The western medieval Europe borrowed things from the Islamic civilization and in those borrowings the ideas and the concept of "zero" and "cipher were located. They say that the "million" was borrowed by the Islam world from Europe and "zero" was borrowed by Europe.
The following is a list of contemporary ethnic groups. Membership of an ethnic group tends to be associated with shared cultural heritage, ancestry, history, homeland, language or dialect, the term culture specifically including aspects such as religion, mythology and ritual, cuisine, dressing style,