Et lulius et celebre habebatur Pompeiusque
hope it helps :)
चमकदार matlab shiny<( ̄︶ ̄)>

A bank loan is basically like borrowing something from somebody . Say if you go into the bank to loan 1,200$ they will loan it to you and give you a long term period of time to pay them back. Hope this helps
In prima zi de scoala, un baiat pe nume Andrei care era cam somnoros. La ora 7:00 ma i-a spus baiatului :
-Andrei, scoala-te ! Astazi este prima ta zi de scoala !
Andrei raspunse balbait :
-Imi... este somn...
In cele din urma, Andrei s-a trezit si s-a dus la scoala.