You would be wise to highlight how much money they would lose if they didn't insulate.
Sherif and Nebarga's social judgment theory states that people's attitudes or positions on an insue depend on three aspects: anchor, alternatives and ego-involvement.
If you highlight how much money would they lose if they didn't insulate, you will be acting over anchor social judgment.
Their anchor is their preferred position on the issue, this is, the actual state of their homes without being insulated. If you highlight how much money they would lose if they didn't insulate, you're pointing out how their anchor would be affected if they didn't consider your offer to insulate their homes.
Las orejas
la boca
el cuello
el hombro
el estomago
las peirnas
How can one say that Uruguay is a city state and what this means.
Nositros no / llegar al centro comercial
-Nocotros no sabemos llegar a la residencia estudiantil
yo / el profesor de literatura
-Yo conozco al profesor de literatura
Elena y Maria Victoria / patinar en linea
-Elena y Maria Victoria saben patinar en linea
(Hope this helps although I don't know if they are correct)
Good luck.
Si es una pregunta de opinión:
Nuestra agua hoy en día es escasa ya que el nivel de población ha ido aumentando y por consiguiente, la demanda de productos de la industria, las cuales son las fábricas que usan altas cantidades de agua para funcionar al igual que liberan productos tóxicos al mar.