C) conversational
The best way to describe Thoreau's writing style is as conversational. Thoreau's writings can be considered a series of reflections. The author usually talks about the ideas that go through his mind, as well as the values that guide his actions. This reflective type of writing leads to a conversational style, where the writer talks to us as if we were having a conversation with him. Moreover, his tone is casual and informal.
I m 95 % sure on the first one, the rest are 100% sure.
Today, animators use new technology in making cartoons.
New Technology (Direct) Animators (indirect)
Last weekend we gave our dog a present.
Present(Direct object) Dog (Indirect object)
No, we did not hand him a bone.
Bone (direct object) Him (Indirect object)
Hi, I'd sat that the correct answer is B. A cannot be correct, because the simple subject would be "dinosaurs", whereas the complete subject is "large and small dinosaurs", they don't match. C is a similar case - simple subject is "detectives", whereas the complete subject would be "detectives Homer Fry and Janine Small:. In D - simple subject is "crocodiles", whereas the complete subject is "crocodiles, quiet as logs". That leaves us with only one solution - "Cory" is both a simple and a complete subject.
A strain of bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics is called a superbug.