To answer your first question, early Muslim women were treated with respect and had the same amount of rights as men. for example, they could own property, gain an education etc. for example, Khadijah the wife of Prophet Muhammad was a very successful businesswomen in trade.
second question: as Islam spread, people intertwined their culture with Islam. for example some people believe that in islam women are not allowed to pick their own husband and instead have an arranged marriage. however this is a cultural belief, common in places such as Bangladesh and Pakistan.
Just google it and change it to your own words easy
The civilization of Olmec.
I would make a law where anyone can come over to the United States and stay, regardless of their legal status. Open borders, where anyone, from anywhere, can, in exchange for providing ID, a customs/smuggling/invasive species check of their belongings, and maybe a health check, they get in. Once in, a separate but similarly simple process to get a green card. Following a suitable period of residency, say, 5-10 years, citezinship (if they want it). It would be suitable for this law to fall under the Legislative Branch, as it makes all laws (including laws relating to immigration), declares war, regulates interstate and foerign commerce, and controls taxing and spending policies.
The right term is "popular sovereignty."
The people are the real sovereign of a nation. A democratic and legitimate government must enjoy the consent of those ruled, and citizens, people, express their will by freely electing their representatives in government.