Heather wants to return to school after several years of being a stay-at-home mother and raising her two kids. Economic times ar
e tough and she wants to go back to school so she can get a good job and start being able to bring in a second income for the family. This is a big transition for her, but she and her husband are confident that this is the best next step for herself and the family now that her children are older. Her husband is supportive of this decision, but works full-time in a high-stress job and often needs to work long hours. However with her new schedule, Heather knows that she will need her husband to share more of the responsibility in taking care of the kids and the household. She is worried about what effects this transition will have on her family, especially in causing conflict with her husband. 1. Heather has just started classes at the local college, and is feeling really overwhelmed with all her new responsibilities on top of her old responsibilities. She wants to have a conversation with her husband to ask for more help in this transition. What should she NOT say during the conversation?
A. “I am feeling really stressed because you don’t help out around the house.”
B. “I appreciate your support of my decision to go back to school, but I’m having trouble juggling everything right now. It would be really helpful for me if you could cook dinner for the kids the nights I have class.”
C. “I’m feeling overwhelmed trying to manage my new schedule with school, home, and family life, and could really use extra support right now.”
D. “I know that my new schedule has affected all of us, but we decided that this is a really positive change for me and our family. Can we talk about ways you can support me in this?”
2. Heather is having a hard time keeping up with studying and completing her coursework since she takes care of the kids and attends class during the day. What is one thing she could do to make sure she has time to complete her coursework and doesn’t fall behind on her assignments?
A. Study and complete her coursework during class.
B. Skip class to complete her schoolwork.
C. Dedicate the same time each afternoon to completing coursework.
D. Study early in the morning or late at night.
3. Which of the following is NOT a good way for Heather to get her husband more involved in her new identity?
A. Talk about her coursework and what she is learning with her husband.
B. Keep the divisions between her home life and school life separate.
C. Invite him to attend campus events with her.
D. Let her husband read her papers and other assignments.
1. A The wording of the phrasing is rude and sounds ungrateful and will likely start a fight, sending the situation backwards in a direction not intended or wanted. 2. C Getting into a habit makes it easier to keep doing things and will create a time set aside for it. Other options would create problems such as failing or slipping grades from not paying attention in class or not going it sleep deprivation. 3. B This would separate her "new identity" from her husband, and be the opposite of what Heather wants to do. If she wants to get him more involved, she should include him in that aspect of her life by doing the other things listed as answers.
From Emperor to citizen, the speaker's attitude towards his childhood years was unsatisfied and unhappy.
He graved for change from a person who's life is less to complex to simplier one. He's childhood years was full of dreams that he wants to be a man with power like an emperor, but indeed like an ordinary citizen.
<span>authorities on many a subject, and close with a rhetorical flourish. Lincoln had ... a classroom, Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln and the Second American Revolution ... municator: his skill in the use of figurative language, of ... phors, and they thus lose their power to evoke a vivid image ... How Lincoln Won the War with Metaphors.</span>
<span>I believe that the theme is about letting go (King Trident & Ariel), following your heart (Ariel & Herself), trickery (Ursala & Ariel) there are many themes in the Little Mermaid movie. Those are just a few.