georgia is the common noun and peach and/or coin is proper noun
one of the comments said this and i agree with it.
On one side stood the Poussinists (Fr. Poussinistes) who were a group of French artists, named after the painter Nicolas Poussin, who believed that drawing was the most important thing. On the other side were the Rubenists (Fr. Rubénistes), named after Peter Paul Rubens, who prioritized color.
A) tell a story
When painters in the workshop of the fifteenth-century artist known as the Master of Osservanza illustrated The Meeting of St. Anthony and St. Paul, they solved the problem of how to tell a story in a single painting by merging a series of episodes into one picture.
The method of continuous narrative used in the painting that illustrated The Meeting takes you through a step-by-step description as if you were there and you grasp the entire story as it unfolds from beginning to end and vice versa.
Cameras, director or directors, scenes, storyline, scripts, and actorssss