Answer: the effect of the domino theory.
A domino effect or chain reaction is the cumulative effect produced when one event sets off a chain of similar events. The term is best known as a mechanical effect and is used as an analogy to a falling row of dominoes.
No provisions were made for an executive branch to enforce the laws nor for a national court system to interpret them. A legislative Congress was the sole organ of the national government, but it had no power to force the states to do anything against their will.
Had experience in other social-reform movements.
Answer: The equals between the Patriot movement and the movement to free slaves were that the Patriots battled to get the autonomy from the English crown because of the numerous shameful acts they were enduring, for example, the substantial tax collection forced by the English government and the way that the 13 provinces didn't have any voice or portrayal in the British Parliament. On account of the development of free slaves, African Americans likewise were requesting their opportunity. They were dealt with like creatures, abused by ground-breaking southern landowners that constrained them to work from the extremely early times until late around evening time to deliver the harvests that must be exchanged and sent out.
Both are fighting to free themselves from oppression.