Rubén Dario doesn’t have Honduran heritage
1. Environmentalists shall not support the (major) mayor unless the mayor (change) his environmental policy.
2. The mayor will speak with his advisor before (arrive) the environmentalists.
3. Environmentalists entered the mayor's office as soon as (know) that they were waiting for them.
4. The mayor assures them that he always thinks about the environment when (giving) permits to build new buildings.
5. Environmentalists will be concerned until the mayor (answers) all your questions.
I translated them to make them easier for you :).
Hopes this helps you in Spanish.
Answer: (I did the second one, what Juan did last summer)
Juan Miguel se fue a Guatemala de vacaciones el año pasado. Fue al zoológico y vio a todos los animales. Conoció a mucha gente nueva y aprendió muchas cosas allí. Fue a todas las diferentes tiendas y atracciones. ¡También tomó muchas fotos cuando estuvo allí!
1.Studies show that being bilingual has many cognitive benefits.
2. Bilingual children have been seen to outperform monolingual students in their native language.
3. More and more employers are considering bilingualisma high priority.
4.There have been many studies proving that being bilingual can benefit ones health Speaking More Than one language makes you more open minded.
5.Speaking a foreign language can be highly beneficial when you travel.
6.Being able to communicate with the locals a nd im merse yourself in the language and culture can make your travel experien ce so m uch more enjoyable.
I am sorry is this doesn't make sense or am sorry if this is wrong.