Recently, due to Coronavirus, the state of California has ordered the closure of “non-essential” businesses. These closures incl
uded places of worship like churches and have drawn criticism from the church community. They argue that the forced closure of churches is unconstitutional. What do you think? Is the closure of indoor, in-person, church services unconstitutional? Explain.
First of all, the constitution gives you freedom to practice religion, and I'm pretty sure you don't need to go to church to practice religion. Also, the freedom of religion has limits, the same way freedom of speech has limits. There are so many aspects to religion besides going to church. You can pray, read holy text, and join virtual services. Also, WE ARE IN A PANDEMIC!! It is a danger to yourself and others to be out and about during these times. The need to go to church is not the most necessary part of a religion. The ten commandments in Christianity (I'm getting evidence from Christianity because that is the community that is complaining the most) say nothing about having to go to church on Sundays because God knows not everybody has the privilege to go to Church every Sunday. So in summary, no, it is not unconstitutional to prevent indoor, in-person church services.
Florence is considered an oligarchy because 75% of its population had no power therefore it was not a Republican or a democracy it was also not a monarchy because it had no king or queen nor was it a dictatorship because it was ruled by more than one person.
France took control of most parts of West Africa. Colonial rule was the result of competition among European countries for control of African resources.
New industried created mass production techniques which created cheaper, mass-produced products and increased employment stimulated further the demand for goods, and thus created the consumer boom which led to economic prosperity.