Patrick Henry states that Great Britain has no other enemy but the colonists - he says that its entire army is aimed towards the colonists and keeping them safe and part of its kingdom. He says that the colonists have tried for a long time to talk to the British government and make their lives easier, but their pleas fell on deaf ears. This is why he says the following:
<span><em>If we wish to be free if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained, we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of Hosts is all that is left us!
</em></span><em />He ends his speech by stating his famous sentence - Give me liberty or give me death!
Use of Personification helps in deep understanding of poem and make if interesting.
Personification means considering some object as a human. J.Patrick Lewis has used personification in his poem. Writing poems in this style makes it easily understandable. When we compare any object with human beings, it becomes easy to get a deep understanding of it.
J.Patrick Lewis writes a poem for children mostly. To enable children to get a deep understanding of the poem he is making more use of personification. This makes is poems more interesting. Like for example if it compares Sun's warmth with the arms of a loving mother.
After running off from their society, Prometheus (Liberty) and Gaea (Equality) discovers a house on the top of a mountain. With astonishment, they find the house small, colorful with windows, mirrors, bedrooms, clothes kept in closets, and a small library in it. Since they have never witnessed any such thing, they found it strange but at the same time they didn’t want to share these things with anyone else.
The society from which they ran away was a communist one where the things which eased the life was under prohibition. They were not allowed to have friends or relationships with one another. Their lives were short and miserable resulting in grief and sadness. The use of technology was minimum, and education was a tool of brainwashing.
The novella “Anthem” is set in a Dystopian world where technology, scientific development, education, and equality were under the control of totalitarian leaders. This type of society came into existence after the Great Rebirth when a great war was fought. The land of Anthem seems primitive and distant from our world which equates much with a mythical fantasy land. Ann Rand wrote this novella to give a picture of the future which we would most probably be witnessing. She has tried to highlight the ills in the society which the future is carrying for the coming generation.
c. The stress on know and fate emphasizes the speaker's certainty that he will die in combat.
William Butler Yeats wrote this poem "An Irish Airman Foresees His Death" after the death of Robert Gregory. This poem is a sort of a man accepting his fate, which he seems to be certain of.
The pilot n the poem, also the speaker is an Irishman who held no attachment for any parties of the war. He does not love the country he's fighting for, nor does he hate the enemy side. He also seems to be reconciled with the fact that he will surely die, while flying. He knows for sure that he will "meet (his) fate Somewhere among the clouds above". This shows that it emphasizes the speaker's certainty that he will die in combat. Also, there are n mention of any friends nor of any selfish feelings or self-centeredness in the speaker.