The fact that the united states did not join the league of nations supports the idea that many americans strongly supported president wilson. disagreed with henry cabot lodge
The researchers believe the late 19th and early 20th century immigrants stimulated growth because they were complementary to the needs of local economies at that time. Low-skilled newcomers were supplied labor for industrialization, and higher-skilled arrivals helped spur innovations in agriculture and manufacturing
if u will best me with a stick then also beat niraxx lol bc she also copy from gologolo
The correct answer is Potatoes
A fungible good is that which can be interchanged with other
individual goods of the same type. Goods possessing this fungibility property
simplify the exchange and trade processes, as interchangeability assumes
everyone values all goods of that class the same.
According to the article of confederation government there were more weakness than strength. Below are the some major weakness
Under the Confederation Articles, some of the WEAKNESS are
1)The federal government was squeezed by the absence of authority provided to the Continental Congress.
2)The Articles gave the authority to pass legislation to Congress, but no authority to implement those rules.
3)If a state did not promote a federal law, it could be ignored by that state.
4)Congress was incapable of levying taxes or regulating trade without a federal government