A republic, while being a democracy, can still have it's faults. Since in a republic, you would have representatives for office and other positions, the person, like say a president, can abuse power to do bad things. An example of this is how Donald Trump abused power and when he wasn't elected or his senators were not elected, he told people to go fight.
Explanation: I passed stuff
The slaves would rather loose their lives than continue to be treated the way that they were treated.
Lol. I believe it was Belisarius. he was Justinian's go to General and he was very good at what he did. It was thanks to him that the Mediterranean became a Roman Lake once again well at least until Justinian died
An enormous question.
The Holocaust, which seems to have been the result of German Chancellor's "final solution" to the "Jewish Problem". Kill them all, by the cheapest means possible. And, to do that, the chancellor had to "get his supporters to buy his message". That was done by nationwide indoctrination, anything from banning "Jew physics" (a blunder of a ban, because Jews, Professors Einstein and Lisa Meitner to name but two associated with the Nobel prize in physics, played important roles in developing nuclear weapons), through to indoctination of the dreaded "Hitler youth", via "krystalnacht" and the mass transportation of as many Jews as could be tranported to death camps "hidden" in eastern europe near the USSR border.
And this is only part of the start to the answer.
It may well be impossible to do this subject justice anywhere ...