Indentured servants
The first European settlement in the Chesapeake bay area is Jamestown, founded in 1607. Soon after the mapping of the bay English migrants settled on the easily accessible shores.
By the end of the 17th century indentured servants (a debt bondage) who gained their freedom had little choice but to hire themselves out for low wages to their former masters.
The Assyrians were war-like civilization, but they were disadvantaged technologically, scientifically, and politically compared to the neighboring civilizations, like the likes of the Babylonians, Egyptians, Phoenicians. So in order to progress and become stronger, and thus to manage to enlarge their empire and become a power house in the region, their leaders started to borrow and learn from the neighboring civilizations, and little by little they reformed the Assyrian society and way of functioning. This contributed to the Assyrian civilization to become very strong, and they managed with their military campaigns to gain much more territory and wealth which made them what they wanted, a power house in the world they knew.
<span>It was passed in 1701 to resolve the issue of succession to
the English and Irish thrones of the Electress Sophia of Hanover and her successors
who are non-Catholics. This act was pressed by the inability of King Wiliam III
and Queen Mary II as well as Queen Anne who was Mary’s sister to give birth to
an heir. Sophia’s line was Protestant
her son became King George I and started the Hanoverian Dynasty. This happened after
the death of Queen Anne in August 1714.
The act played an important role in the establishment of a King of Great
Britain, England and Scotland that now had a shared ruler since 1603 but
continued as individual governing countries.</span>
<u>*Truman Doctrine</u>: Per US President Harry Truman, the position and role of the US is to <u>contain the spread of Communism around the world</u>.
<u>*Marshall Plan:</u> Aid and funds sent by the US to the devastated economies of Western and even some Eastern European countries after World War II. <u>The purpose was to ensure their economies bounce back so they don't fall to Communism</u>.
<u>*Berlin Airlift:</u> The Berlin Airlift was a series of air missions that transported and dropped food and other products to the people of Berlin. This is because Berlin was blocked by the Soviets who controlled one half of the City (to prevent the exodus of East Berliners to the Western side). <u>Khrushchev</u>
I'm a Historian.