Can you explain in english ?
Ricardo is … panameño/ peruano
Hello friend:
How are you? I am well. Some activities I like:
I like to dance. I dance to all types of music, especially tcumbia, salsa, and merengue. I also like to sing. I sing romantic music but I also sing music with mariachi. I play the guitar and the piano. And you? What do you like to do?
Right now I am nervous because I need to study for my math exam. I need to study now.
See you later,
Xavier Yahir
¿dónde están cristina y bruno? ¿dónde están la profesora y el estudiante? ¿dónde está la puerta? ¿dónde está la mochila? ¿dónde está el pasajero? ¿dónde está josé miguel means "Where are cristina and bruno? Where are the teacher and the student? Where is the door? Where is the backpack Where is the passenger? Where is Jose Miguel"