Several hundred people attend a peaceful political rally in a park. The police stop the rally, then arrest several people and se
arch them. During the search, the police find no evidence of lawbreaking. However, they take everyone's cell phones and cameras and put the people in jail for "disorderly behavior." The people who were arrested think this was done to prevent the news from reporting what happened. They also think that their rights were violated. Which amendment will their lawyer likely use to argue their case? Amendment I, which safeguards Americans' right to free speech
Amendment II, which safeguards Americans' right to bear arms
Amendment VI, which safeguards Americans' right to an attorney
Amendment VII, which safeguards Americans' right to trial by jury
Even though this is unlikely to happen, ammendment 1 would be the best choice because the first ammendment protects the right of the people to peacefully assemble so a lawyer could state that the police had no right to arrest or detain them because it is their constitutional right to protest peacefully.