450000, 150000 times 3 is ezual to 450000
Mestizo aka a mutt , the word comes from spain
Non-durable goods are those good used by ordinary people are most affected by scarcity.
Non durable goods are those goods that is limited in nature that is it will last for lesser than three years and non durable goods are needed for survival of human beings. The necessities needed for survival is food and clothing. Two types of non durable goods are customer goods and the capital goods.
In terms of economics scarcity refers to lack of different types of capital. Due to unlimited wants and needs of people scarcity of capital goods can occur. If the consumer always have fascination for new things the resources become limited.
In the 31 countries at the bottom of the list, 28 of which are in sub-Saharan Africa, a person can hope to live on average only 46 years, or 32 years less than the average life expectancy in countries of advanced human development, with 20 years slashed off life expectancy due to HIV/AIDS.
Hey there!
Airplanes must be pressurized when flying at high altitudes so that the oxygen levels stay normal for us to breathe. The higher you go up, the thinner the air gets, which causes breathing problems for us humans.
Thank you!