Answer:the correct verb is appears, the subjects are pigeons and building or science building
Explanation:Why I chose appears is because it makes more sense I don’t really know how to explain it. Why didn’t say several large pigeons together is because several large aren’t really subjects, they’re more like adjectives;describing. I don’t really know about the science building because well it might not be a subject because the pigeons are the main ones and I don’t know if it’s science building or just building because science basically tells what the building is. Hope that helps you.
B, D, and E are the correct answers. Literary themes are usually profound statements that teach a "lesson". A and C are just random sentences that don't have meaning.
What does the speaker mean when she asks "Where is America?" in paragraph 45 and how does this impact the text's meaning? ... The speaker feels lost in America, but more importantly she feels as if she has lost the imagined America of her dreams.
It is important to look at topics from multiple perspectives so that we are able to see the whole picture
moon dust is 50% SiO2, 15% Al2O3, 10% CaO, 10% MgO, 5% TiO2 and 5-15% iron
black disqust
Black mold often grows in tight corners in the bathroom. The best way to identify black mold is by its color.
After you ave used context clues to determine the meaning of an unfamiliar word, you should break the word down to its prefixes and suffixes