Un vulgarismo es una expresión morfológica, fonética o sintáctica empleada en lugar de la palabra correcta y que no se considera parte de la llamada lengua culta. Sin embargo, muchas expresiones que antiguamente se consideraban vulgarismos hoy se aceptan y son de uso común (por ejemplo, adecúo en lugar de adecuo).
1. David broke up with last week.
2. We can divide the account by.
3. I don't know why Elena doesn't get along.
4. Mom always cares about.
5. For, what is more important, friendship or money?
6. María del Carmen sat next to.
7. Sergio fell in love with you because you are very nice.
8. Victoria did not remember.
9. What do you say, Ana? Did you commit to two?
10. Without, the team cannot win.
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1: A stem change verb is a verb that also makes the change in the stem
2: I'm not sure what this one is i'm sorry
3: -empezar is e-ie
-poder is o-ue
- pedir is e-i
4: i'm very sorry I don't know this one either... I'm just looking at a paper I got in my spanish class for all of the answers
5: there are four types of stem-changing verbs