Answer: pablo come sus frijoles
No espanol amigo, por favor
Si llueve mucho, los árboles están verdes y las flores tienen muchos colores, estamos en...
La respuesta es primavera
1. Dónde
2. Por qué
3. Cuándo
4. Cuánto
5. Cómo
6. Qué
The answer is:
D. Heart disease
Heart disease refers to issues and deformities in the heart itself.
Heart disease is caused by :
<u><em>A poor supply of nutrients and oxygen to the organ</em></u>.
Simon is experiencing chest pain due to an insufficient blood supply to the heart
<u><em> Damage to the coronary arteries</em></u>
Saul’s coronary arteries are nearly blocked.
<u><em>Damage to all or part of the heart.</em></u>
Sean has just experienced the death of some of his heart muscle tissue.