Answer: Allah is usually thought to mean “the god” (al-ilah) in Arabic and is probably cognate with rather than derived from the Aramaic Alaha. All Muslims and most Christians acknowledge that they believe in the same god even though their understandings differ.
In a constitutional government, the powers of government are
limited by a written document is the difference.
Constitutional government is a type of government operating under an official document (constitution) that initiates the system of basic laws and policies that defines the characteristics, roles, and boundaries of that government where a sovereign is controlled by a law whereby citizen's rights, duties, and duties are spelled in typewritten law. The Constitution has three main roles. First, it constitutes a national government consisting of a parliamentary, an administrator, and a judiciary branch, with a method of drafts and balances among the three branches. Second, it splits power between the central and the state government.
Many people feared the presence of Japanese spies after Japan had attacked Pearl Harbor.
Julius Caesar began to reshape the Roman Republic by beginning to give himself authority over certain aspects other officials would get. For example, Caesar gained control of the consul (which were supposed to be two that held the "most" authority), the praetor (which were the replacements of the consuls), and other positions slowly without outright saying he was overruling their authority. He frequently ignored the suggestions of the Senate when it came to war and other affairs, and he basically did as much as he could to gain absolute power without everyone suspecting so. He even declared a civil war against Rome because his enemy, General Pompey, was rivalling his power. I hope this helps, Julius Caesar is a very interesting character!
Black american were given the right to vote on Feb 3, 1870