A narrative or story is a summary of related events presented to audiences or readers, in words arranged in a logical sequence. The word derives from the Latin verb narrare, "to tell", which is derived from the adjective gnarus, "knowing" or "skilled". Storytelling is a fundamental part of human nature. Man is the only animal that tells stories, and we have been telling stories and listening to them since the time we learned to speak.
Narratives must be presented in a logical sequence because they are a particular way of explaining or understanding events. Otherwise, the lack of logical sequence will lead to a complete thematic misunderstanding.
It creates an air of suspense in the plot is the effect of this dialogue.
- It creates an air of suspense in the plot.
Bernardo, Marcellus, and Horatio are seen speaking with one another about the bizarre thing that they have been seeing since the most recent two evenings.
Bernardo and Marcellus guaranteed that they have seen the apparition of the dead ruler and plans to demonstrate the phantom to Horatio also. Horatio is a cynic in nature and when he additionally witnesses the phantom he accepts that something unsure will be coming to Denmark.
This scene effectively partakes in giving anticipation to the plot of the play "Hamlet.". To illuminate the crowd regarding the occasions paving the way to this point.
U can make it by talking about how much money u lose when u overspend. plus u can talk about the different ways that u can save your money
The details create a positive mood, one of new beginnings. However, Mrs. Mallard has just received the news that her husband has died which is really an ending.