Answer: Root -. core element of any term; nearly every term contains at least one; ... some words have more than one; can be used to combine two roots even if one of the roots begins with a vowel ... a root with a combining vowel added to it. Patient. an old English term meaning to suffer or undergo; the term refers to a person who is ... A root word has no prefix or suffix — it's the most basic part of a word. ... In linguistics, a root word holds the most basic meaning of any word. It's what's left after you remove all the affixes — the prefixes like "un-" or "anti-" and suffixes such as "-able" and "-tion."
You get to be federal people grand 4 times
B. Clefs
Neither of the other ones make sense plus I already knew clef had something to do with music.
Hope this helps. Plz give brainliest.
Titian worked almost exclusively in oil, which was a new technique at the start of his career. The medium allowed him to build up a series of glazes to depict the appearance and texture of the human form with an accuracy, delicacy, and softness which was innovative