The storm changes Sydney’s perspective on her life and the things and people around her. Before she only thought of the negatives aspects of her house and doesn’t appreciate has. The storm threatens to take all of that away, which prompts a retrospective moment from Sydney. She realizes that she should be thankful for the house she has and the family that loves her.
What? I don’t understand what you are trying to say?
The answer is: "subject<span>–verb agreement".
Answer: Hyperbole
A hyperbole is an exaggeration that is not meant to be taken literally. It is usually used to make a persuasive point or to add emphasis. In this case, "opening a door to eternal tyranny" is an example of an exaggeration of this type. While it is likely that tyranny will not be eternal (the country itself will not be eternal), its purpose is to emphasize the risk of keeping the seat of governent vacant.
A good followers... hmmm... we don’t.