In drop C tuning, your lowest string will be tuned down two whole steps to C. All other strings get tuned down one whole step.
Answer:The theme of this song is based on the 1959 plane crash. In the song, McLean tries describe how life has been with out the major singers. "The day the music died" was commonly used after their deaths and used in the song.
Bee, Glee, Plea, Key, Tree, Knee, Scree, She
NCS brings young people from different backgrounds together in common purpose. It equips them with new skills and gives them the tools to make a difference. It helps them discover the depths of their talents and the scale of their potential.
What are the benefits of NCS? NCS is a positive experience, which will imbue you with lifelong skills. You'll learn how to be a better communicator and your leadership and interpersonal skills will improve. All of these are vital in the workplace.
Aliens would be modified versions of us. They would have bigger heads and smaller mouths as they communicate telepathically . They would work as one. They would have better body armor suits that would make them look bigger then they are and keep them safe. They want to learn our ways and teach us to expand our minds to use the rest of our brains. They want to see if we are ready to learn and grow.
Everyone makes them scary thought a different take migt get a better grade