extrusive rocks.
When an igneous rock contains large crystals of minerals surrounded by the fine grained or glassy material (set in a matrix of glassy part).The texture is known as Porphyritic texture and the large crystals are known as Phenocrystals and the fine grained or glassy part is called as Ground mass.
When this Porphyritic texture showing igneous rocks are known as Porphyrites. The texture is largely found in volcanic and hypabassal rocks so these rocks are the extrusive rocks.
The best pyramid for this is the biomass pyramid. That is because they show how much ecological material can be found at each trophic level, which then can be used to model how the matter flows through the ecosystem that is being analyzed.
1. Day and night cycle - the rotation of the Earth results in the day and night cycle as different parts of it are exposed to the sunlight at different times.
2. In the Northern Hemisphere the winds tend to curve toward the right, which is caused by the earth's rotation.
Answer: Between the northern dairy belt and the Mediterranean polyculture
✓ 4.
Where does mixed livestock and crop farming predominantly occur?
Above the northern dairy belt
In the Alps region
Between the northern dairy belt and the Mediterranean polyculture
Mixed livestock and crop farming predominantly occurs between the northern dairy belt and the Mediterranean polyculture.
Below the Mediterranean polyculture
1 of 1
Geographic variation was the study or examination that living things which are relatively similar are different because of their habitat and geography was dissimilar. Comparable organisms parted ways by physical features and global positioning.
It depends on the position of the species a cline can happen. This can relate to a specific one of two or more substitute forms of a genetic factor that arise by transformation and are found at the same place on a chromosome which will assist in surviving of a different but reachable geographic location.