Robert - Robert is the name of Miss Foley's real nephew who never appears in the book. When Will and Jim first see Miss Foley at the carnival she is looking for him, and later Mr. Cooger pretends to be him.
Mr. Cooger - Along with Mr. Dark, Mr. Cooger is in charge of the carnival. He is pure evil, and he pretends to be Miss Foley's nephew Robert in order to get her to ride on the carousel. Mr. Cooger also tries to get Jim to ride on the merry-go-round, and if not for Will he would have succeeded. Although he is dangerous and cunning, Mr. Cooger is a threatening possibility for most of the book since he is too old to do anything after Will messes up his carousel ride.
Smooth movement ;sudden breaks
The symbolism of stitching is that stitches hold things together, and Mrs. Wright's situation was falling apart. This becomes clear when the women look at the quilt that Mrs. Wright was working on most recently, and see that there had been neat, even stitching on the rest of the quilt, but the latest stitching had been a total mess.
The controversy that surrounds the novel "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" is particularly due to the fact that schools and libraries across the US have been drawn into debates about censorship context included int the novel , the regional dialects and the stereotypes of African American lives shown in the novel. Mark Twain included words in this novel, that has been previously noted as offensive, to properly pro tray the southern lifestyle and these words included have therefore helped to cause the controversy over it. These terms, if not understood as an element of realism, can be inappropriate or disturbing for young readers to have read. Characters in the novel also follow stereotypes of the African American lifestyle that can be seen as an insult if the reader doesn't understand the author's intention of displaying those stereotypes. Twain uses satire in the novel to show the social injustices of the 1900's and if the reader doesn't understand the intentions of the author by including it, it can be seen as highly offensive, and inappropriate, causing a spark of controversy.
Are there any options for the question.