If you have both parents with long ears and some of the offsprings have short ears, you can say both parents are heterozygous for this. Both have a dominant (long ear), and a recessive allele (short ear).
To prove this, you can draw a Punnett square, and you'll see the probabilities of the offsprings.
The dorsal surface in for legged animals is called superior
Nucleic Acids are the basis for the storage and transmission of hereditary information in all cells. Determines a cell's function and manufactures proteins & enzymes. Encodes instructions for making proteins and RNA. DNA stores the “operating instructions” for a cell.
<span>Dens (odontoid process) Hope this helps.</span>
Complete orbit around the Sun takes about 365.26 days. The Earth’s rotation axis is tilted relative to the imaginary space orbit around the Sun.  This imaginary plane is called the ecliptic plane.  Position of northern and southern hemisphere toward the Sun varies depending on the season