It might have to do with someone's religion. For example in the Catholics religion it goes against their religion to be homosexual
The correct answer is: Absolute power. The teachings of Confusius are based on good conduct in life, good government of the State, care for tradition, study and meditation.
The scientific method was discovered in 1561-1626 by Sir Francis Bacon. A scientific method is when the experimenter creates a hypothesis to test it out and make sure it is correct for its project.
"Our greatest glory is not never falling, by in rising every time we fall" is referring to resilience and being able to "rise" to the occasion despite having set backs and challenges or "every time we fall". Challenges and set backs can help shape us which is why learning from them is "Our greatest glory".
Here are some reasons take your pick. Good luck! :)
Japan had modernized weapons
Corruption of the Chinese government-officials embezzled military funds.
Chinese army and navy had little preparation for the war
Japan had better war tactics and strategies
Chinese just finished the War of Opium and were weak
The majority of China’s massive population was not educated