"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser(s)" refers to certain people's tendency to turn the biterness and humiliation of losing an argument into personal attacks against the debate opponent and their image.
To <em>slander</em> means to defame, to say false things about someone in an attempt to damage their reputation.
This statement is often attibuted to Greek philosopher Socrates, but there isn't any evidence supporting the fact that he originated the phrase, so it would be best to avoid quoting Socrates in this case, especially in school assignments.
the 2020 one has bats on it compared to the penny that always has the white house
1.By riding alone, you waste fuel and indirectly end up supporting Hitler.
3.Conserve fuel by car-sharing so the United States has enough fuel for defense equipment
Hope i helped:)
A) The current epidemic of avian flu is a problem for farmers, for buyers and for consumers.
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