Top right of your screen. Click your profile and there should be a drop box where its says "account settings".
I thought the video was pretty good.. really loved the topic it was focusing on.. thought that one part wasn’t great though.
Using more than one medium of expression or communication is considered A) Multimedia.
(of art, education, etc.) using more than one medium of expression or communication.
"a multimedia art form"
1. Someone's Twitter feed
2. Research findings on video gaming's effect
3. Population statistics from the U.S
4. Census Bureau
5. manuscript
6. A public opinion poll made in the year 2021 of what the next flavor of Mountain Dew should be
7. artifact
8. document created at the time of the occurrence
9. diary
10. A scholarly article discussing the impact of excessive alcohol consumption in high school students
these are the primary sources I could find, I hope these are the answers you are looking for