Not getting the praise he needs, this can make him feel like his hard work is for nothing.
"Little souls who thirst for fight" "These men were born to drill and die" "The unexplained glory flies above them"
All of these sentences use irony to show how people are born to fight, similar to machines. In addition, the title of the poem, War is Kind, is ironic as well, as war is NOT kind, and leaves "a field where a thousand corpses lie."
Nate feels frustrated that he can’t join his brother
either improve or catapult. I think it's improve.
A recent poll of 91 historians of US presidents gave a rating of the top 44 presidents who have alternately ruled the United States from George Washington to Barack Obama.
This is a ranking of the five best presidents of the United States of America, according to the opinion of the historians participating in the poll:
1st place: Abraham Lincoln (1865-1861)