In the previous chapter we see that the girls have returned the dead man to his home and have reunited him with his family. Odilia realizes that while Inez claims that they have brought peace upon their family, she is truly miserable. In chapter seven we see that the the Garza girls stay at Inés’s house for the night. Inés asks Odilia to fetch her the paper from the corner store. Odilia sees that her and her sisters’ disappearance made front-page news. Odilia returns to usher her sisters out of the house. In the car, Odilia shows her sisters the details of their case in the news, that their mother is on house arrest as a suspect in their disappearance, that the FBI are looking for their father as well. Juanita expresses remorse at their plan to take the dead man back. Odilia decides it’s best to get to their grandmother’s house as soon as possible instead of calling their mother. Just then the car breaks down, and the girls are forced to walk the 15 miles to their grandmother’s house.
The Garza girls stay at Inés’s house for the night. Inés asks Odilia to fetch her the paper from the corner store. Odilia sees that her and her sisters’ disappearance made front-page news. Odilia returns to usher her sisters out of the house. In the car, Odilia shows her sisters the details of their case in the news—that their mother is on house arrest as a suspect in their disappearance, that the FBI are looking for their father as well. Juanita expresses remorse at their plan to take the dead man back. Odilia decides it’s best to get to their grandmother’s house as soon as possible instead of calling their mother. Just then the car breaks down, and the girls are forced to walk the 15 miles to their grandmother’s house.