p18, p21 and p27
Four proteins have been obstructed in this investigation and the concentration of DNA synthesis was evaluated in various cell cultures and seeing which proteins could play a significant role in the cell cycle.
Parathyroid hormones (PTH) increases the Ca++ concentration and slightly decreases phosphate ion concentration in the blood.
When Parathyroid hormone increases, the body release more calcium from bones into blood which lead to the increase in calcium concentration in the blood.
The parathyroid hormone increase in the other hand led to slightl
y decrease in phosphate ions since it reduces the reabsorption of phosphate from proximal tubule of the kidney
1. Klinefelter syndrome
2. Nobody can be born with a single X chromosome
1. A genetic condition in which a male is born with an extra copy of the X chromosome
Klinefelter's syndrome isn't inherited, but rather occurs only as a result of a random genetic error after conception.
Males born with Klinefelter's syndrome may have low testosterone and reduced muscle mass, facial hair and body hair. Most males with this condition produce little or no sperm,
2. Sex chromosome occurs due to combination of the X and Y chromosome of both parents.
If the trait for tall and trait for yellow are recessive: ttyy and ttyy
If the trait for tall is dominant and trait for yellow is recessive: TTyy and TTyy, Ttyy and TTyy
If the trait for tall is recessive and trait for yellow is dominant: ttYY and ttYY, or TtYy and TTYY
If the trait for tall is dominant and trait for yellow is dominant TTYY and TTYY, or TtYy and TTYY
The oragautung as well as the peinuma boised dart frog