There basically saying that if a protest were to happen that it would create problems in the economy.
Napoleon want to invade Russia. The problem though it was winter in Russia...
Caused people to move cities for work.
''These are the times that try men's souls'' is a very powerful phrase. If I was living in colonial America and read it or heard it, it was definitely going to prompt some reaction and feeling in me. The living conditions were not the best. Lot of people lived in poverty. The safety was not guaranteed, and avoiding problems was a big positive. There were divisions among the colonies themselves, resulting in tensions and conflict of interests. Such conditions, and hearing or reading to this phrase, would provide motivation for me personally, as it is the hard times when a person shows true character and what that person is made of. It will make me push even harder in order to have better life, and provide better life for my family, and give my best to overcome all obstacles, proving to myself and my loved ones that they can have it better and that they deserve better, but it can only be achieved through strong will, sacrifice, and work.
To begin, the White Man's Burden was written in 1899 by Kipling while the Black Man's Burden was written in 1920 by Morel. In the White Man's Burden, the author justifies imperialism mentioning that Europeans ruling over underdeveloped nations is their responsibility. In the other hand, the author of the Black Man's Burden believes that the justifications mentioned in White Man's Burden are nothing but a lie. He believed that the colonization of these underdeveloped nations was only for the Europeans to gain access to their natural resources and take advantage of them. The author mentions all of the different ways in which colonialism damaged the people of these nations.