1. the invasion of neutral Belgium and stories of German atrocities in the country which shocked and outraged the Americans
2. In May 1915, a German U-boat sunk the British passenger ship Lusitania off the coast of Ireland. Over 1,000 passengers were killed, including 128 Americans
3. In 1917, Germany sent a telegram to Mexico suggesting that if the US should declare war on Germany, Mexico should declare war on the US In return, Mexico would get back the territory lost in the Mexican-American War Unfortunately for Germany, the telegram was intercepted by the British and hurriedly given to the Americans
Bloody Kansas and Election of President Lincoln
The South belived that Lincoln was going to free all the slaves until states from the south started to succeeded from the union. Bloody Kansas caused people from the north and south to compete for the right of free or non free slave state.
Answer:The northern economy relied on manufacturing and the agricultural southern economy depended on the production of cotton. The desire of southerners for unpaid workers to pick the valuable cotton strengthened their need for slavery.
<span>Nixon during debate with Khrushchev - Nixon said that you "didn't need a wife" while pointing to the automatic floor sweeper. After 1945, women lost most of the industrial jobs they had performed during the war. As during most of history, women who worked outside of home remained in low-salary jobs rather than better-paying manufacturing positions. After sharp postwar drop in female employment, the number of women at work soon began to rise. The modern woman worked part-time to help support the family's middle-class lifestyle. Media portrayed marriage as the most important goal of American women, and married younger, more children, "baby boom". The ability of women to remain at home, declared a government official, "separates us from the Communist world," where a high % of women worked</span>
Yes I think they can, if they are trying to agree on moral matters in "Public Policy" I don't see why religion would have to play a part in the discussion