First medicine and curing wounds
The astrolabe and the caravel <span />
The bill has to be voted on by both houses of Congress: the House of Representatives and the Senate.
If they both vote for the bill to become a law, the bill is sent to the President of the United States. He or she can choose whether or not to sign the bill. If the President signs the bill, it becomes a law.
Anthony Burns was a fugitive slave whose recapturing, extradition, and court case led to wide-scale public outcries of injustice, and ultimately, increased opposition to slavery by Northerners. Burns was born a slave in Stafford County, Virginia.
2,211 unknown Union and Confederate
Contains the remains of a soldier who died between 1918 and 1920. Memorial was built on the place where an unknown Serbian World War I soldier was buried. ... Contains the remains of 2,211 unknown Union and Confederate soldiers from Civil War battlefields.